A Lasting Memory of Budapest
USA athlete and TransWeb guest correspondent Tom Henry shares
his impressions of the 1999 World Transplant Games
Walking into this school gym was not much different from
any other you might see in the USA, but this particular day
would serve up a precious memory for me. As a member of Team
USA Volley Ball I had expected a full day of sweat and competition,
but what I got was a lesson in friendship & compassion. After
a less that great performance in the competition, team USA
found itself on the sideline watching the medal rounds.
Up to this point in my trip I was not sure how the locals
were feeling about this invasion of people into their hometown.
Just the day before I was walking down the street and I had
seen a small boy walking with his mother. As I passed by the
boy I rubbed his head in a playful hair messing way. His response
was a look of uncertainty.